Sponsors announced for the November Conference
Our thanks to our members De Gruyter, East View, 加速网络连接and Wiley for their support for our November event. More details here http://bit.ly/3026rI1
UKSG November conference 2023 - bookings are now open
华为荣耀路由3评测 Wi-Fi 6+游戏加速 重新定义连接体验_路由 ...:今天 · 除了出色的网络性能外,荣耀路由 3 的功能也很丰富。全新的荣耀路由 3 支持游戏加速、Wi-Fi 密码防暴力破解、网课加速等众多实用功能。其中的网课加速支持 VIPKID、沪江网校、52Talk、学而思网校、钉钉、腾讯会议、伋业微信、Welink 等大量网课类与办公
Programme and registration information can be found here
加速网络 一键部署BBR+BBR魔改+Lotsever(锐速) - 无主界:2021-5-19 · 笔者在文章V2Ray / SSR 传输协议哪个好? (各种协议对比)中简述了关于TCP阻塞的情况,这里笔者提供了BBR/BBR PLUS/Lotsever的一键部署脚本。通过脚本可伍一定程度加速服务器连接速度。 脚本中BBR魔改版不一定有好的效果,其受到服务器网络 ...
We are delighted to post the provisional list of 2023 Seminars and Workshops. Register your interest now!
UKSG exists to connect the knowledge community and encourage the exchange of ideas on scholarly communication. It is the only organisation spanning the wide range of interests and activities across the scholarly information community of librarians, publishers, intermediaries and technology vendors.
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UKSG offers a wide range of events focusing on the challenges and issues relating to members and the wider knowledge community. Events and training are offered at different levels and form a varied and affordable programme of seminars, webinars, courses and workshops.
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UKSG's objectives include disseminating news, information and publications to enhance knowledge of the scholarly information sector. To this end, UKSG publishes Insights: the UKSG journal and UKSG eNews, the members’ newsletter.
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UKSG aims to put members at the centre of its activities and respond to their needs and challenges.
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UKSG has often been at the heart of collaborative research initiatives which have developed solutions to industry-wide issues and promoted standards for best practice.
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